Chemlights and the Case for Non-Verbal Communications.
Posted by AH on Aug 28th 2024
Recently Spiritus Systems started selling Cyalume Chemlights in both 4" and 6" sizes and multiple colors including Infrared. We wanted to make it easy for guys to add them on to existing orders and to get them quickly. If you're interested in grabbing some, you can find them available HERE and HERE. We have even built a kit for guys attending a LVL 1 course down at the Direct Action Resource Center which you can find HERE.
For a long time I have been preaching the gospel of low technology operations. Specifically, I have been telling guys that they should be completing training objectives without the use of battery operated equipment such as radios and flash lights. With a seemingly endless supply of gadgets being supplied for the "Hyper Enabled Operator" it can be easy to lose sight of what it actually takes or doesn't take, to assault an objective successfully.
Here me out. Learning how to conduct operations without the use of radios and other battery operated tech, forces team members to adhere to a plan. It also helps commanders and subordinates get comfortable with the lack of direct command and control or minute by minute updates while the operation is conducted. Conducting operations this way also fosters confidence in the standard operating procedures as well as the mission planning process.
Don't get me wrong, the gadgets and gizmos are important to current and future conflicts and I am certainly not saying that you shouldn't train with them or implement them. I am simply saying that as a force we should be training to complete objectives without the technology first. Once we can successfully complete the mission without those items, we should add the tech back in to make ourselves more lethal and efficient.
Most dudes in the community are familiar with Chemlights and have used them before. Besides giving you a decent light source when power is not available, Chemlights serve a much more important purpose in military operations. Marking spaces, casualties or signaling are just a few examples of how you can use them for non- verbal and low tech signaling. Perhaps my favorite aspect of using Chemlights for signaling is the fact that you can invent your own techniques for implementing them that are specific to your needs.
Bottom line, Chemlights are important tools to have when conducting operations. We have them if you need them.